about us

E - Pub Application

Electronic publishing services include the digital publication ofe-books and electronics articles, and the development of digitallibraries and catalogs.E-publishing has become popular inscientific publishing where distribution is easy and publishers canleverage the power of the internet for additional revenue stream.In Haveltech, we have an expertise in XML, HTML, MATHML,M-LEARNING, DHTML, XHTML which is the ,ain crux of Epublication.

HAVELTECH Data is a premier service provider of end-to-end publishing solutions from formulation to full life-cycle development, implementation and maintenance. Our expertise is in developing technology to drive business efficiently and productively. HAVELTECH Data has been providing ePublishing services for more than a decade. Our team of professional compositors, paginators, illustrators, proof readers and quality control personnel ensure zero-error project delivery using six sigma techniques. We work closely with the publishers and authors from the manuscript stage to the final product to ensure high-quality deliverables at every stage.
  • Books: Scientific, Technical, Medical, Academic, Novel and Fiction.
  • Journals: Scientific, Technical, Medical, Educational, Humanities and Social Science.
  • Special Volumes: Encyclopedia, Dictionary, Catalogue, Directory etc.
  • eBooks
  • Audio Books: Computer- and Human- narrated.
Benefits for Your Publishing and Media Business
We guarantee:
  • 30 to 60% cost savings
  • Fast turn-around
  • Quality, consistency and accuracy
  • Quick ramp-up and scalability.
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